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Pretty Things | Style Blog {Girly Edge}

March 25, 2014  •  16 Comments

Hey, everyone! Just for fun, I thought I would give this style blog thing a shot. For most of you who know me, you know I have a very...eclectic style. I've definitely gotten the "Only you could pull that off!" many, many times. I always take this as a huge compliment because it means I have no rules. Just like in my photography, I also just dress in what I like, in what inspires me. There are numerous things that inspire me in life- photography, clothes, and music (just to name a few). Normally, if I create an outfit, there is always a song that inspires it. So, I think I will try to incorporate music into this project! Like I said, this is just a test so let me know what you think in the comments! 

For this outfit I chose "My Favorite Things" By: Avila {should be playing}

For my first outfit I chose something girly with a hint of edge.  

If you will notice, the blouse it not very fitted. However, because it is flowy it gives a very flattering, breezy look. 

I paired this outfit with my new ballet flats (I mean that in the most literal way possible). They matched the color of the top great and mainly, I have just been dying to wear them! They really make me nostalgic of my pointe days. :) 

I bought this blouse the other day, so this is the first time I got to wear it (YAY!). If I continue to write these, you will probably notice a pattern. About 80% of my clothes come from TJ MAXX. *cue gasp here* I will admit it, I am a Maxxinista tried and true. I don't know if it's the thrill of the hunt or the insanely low prices, but either way I can definitely say it's my favorite store. I like to keep up with the trends so TJ MAXX allows me to do this without breaking the bank. Now that I have finished my TJ rant, let me get to this blouse. When I saw it, it was love at first sight. I don't know why but I am always drawn to this vintagey blush color. Though I have had many people tell me it doesn't work with my skin tone, I just can't help myself. This blouse also has GREAT textures. The asymmetrical top layer is made out of Seta Silk and feels like a cloud. There is a beautiful layer of tiny sequins that gives it a fairy like feel (which I love)! Another great thing about this blouse is that there is another layer of fabric underneath the sequin layer that is a very soft cotton so it isn't scratchy! 

As for jewelry for this outfit, I paired it with some simple pearl earrings, a pearl bow bracelet, and a pearl and gold necklace. 


Where From: 

Blouse: TJ MAXX

Striped Pants: Forever 21

Ballet Flats: Jessica Simpson at Dillard's 

Pearl Bow Bracelet: Altar'd State 

Pearl Necklace: Southern Creations (in RAYVILLE!) 

Featured Photographs

January 29, 2014  •  10 Comments


{Click on the images to go to featured sites}

Vogue Italia Publication Published 1/29/13 {Click image to go to link}

Vogue Italia Publication 1/28/14

Vogue Italia Publication Published 1/29/14 {Click on link to go to link}

Vogue Italia Publication 1/28/14

Snap Maven 2/2/14

Beyond the Wanderlust | Weekly Favorite 8/6/13

Photographers Connection | Weekly Favorite 6/3/13

Love Photographs Beautifully 

Beyond the Wanderlust | Weekly Favorite 1/15/14

Evoking You | Photographer's Favorite 10/19/13

Evoking You | 12/15/12

Photographers Connection | 3/11/13

Photographers Connection | 1/30/13

Photographers Connection | 9/16/13

Photographers Connection | 10/28/13

Lemonade and Lenses | 6/23/13

In Beauty and Chaos | 8/3/13


Also Featured Photographer HERE:!meet-our-photographers/c1d8i